“If you out there,if everyone……out there. I can provide food,I can provide shelter,I can provide security. If anybody out there,anybody…… please.You are not alone~”
Cole问他妈how did you get over it? (他爸爸的自杀)他妈说get over? never. 这季讲的是受伤了中国美女会就会把一个人变成另外一个人了而且永远回不去了Alison知道这点所以她才说要尝试survive 35. 一个出轨不断挖掘了四个季 这季更多地说谁是broken这样的气质才迷人也说明了为什么大家都爱Alison 其实就是如此恶之花痛苦、灾难、丑恶才能滋养美丽
how painful that must be for it to take 20+ years ruminating... the best and only way to get through is to go through. then one day the wall you thought would never fall down is not there.